Thursday, November 1, 2007

The journey

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius

There is a lot of merit in this thought by Confucius when you apply it to implementing technology. I think that there is a lot of baby steps before the real momentum can happen. Earlier this week I built on the success of using the CBR in the classroom. The momentum gained by using technology to spark interest in statistics was carried over by having students measure each other based on Da Vinci's insights on anatomy. We then used the graphing calculator, Excel, and InspireData to analyze the accuracy of the concepts. This reinforced the traditional by-hand work done before we used the technology. The students seemed to really enjoy the technology. This was especially true when paired with a step-by-step video creating with Windows Media Encoder (free) and Moodle (free).

Each of the items was a small step that hopefully allows both the students and myself to grow as learners. Proof will come today as we "debrief."


Anonymous said...

The progression you have taken with this technology is so awesome! It is a perfect example of how we should be integrating technology into all curriculum. Your students are very fortunate to have a teacher with the initiative to take those "single steps" forward. And what an inspiration to other teachers, including me!

Anonymous said...

CBL's...CBR's... wow... I agree with a small step needs to happen before the long journey. Excellent ideas and well presented. Even though CBLs and CBR's are out of my league. You're amazing mc... certainly, the master.

John Gibson said...

Your use of the various technologies seemed to all come together well for you. Your description sounds quite interesting, I think I could actually get into statistics from that approach. Great Job!!